Wall Clock
The shoulders and arms are associated with the fourth chakra, “Anahata” meaning unstruck. Commonly called the heart chakra, it is associated with the element of air and when it is open, it feels as though we are “walking on air”, it is easy to “air out our feelings” and you may feel “lighthearted”. Conversely when the arms, shoulders and heart are stuck we may feel “suffocated”, as if you need “more room to breathe” or have the need to “lighten up”. Physically there may be pain or numbness in the neck, shoulder, and arm or even in the hand. This may due to a compression on the brachial plexus in one of three musculoskeletal locations: 1) Between the clavicle and first rib, 2) Between Pectoralis Minor and the Coracoid process of the scapula and, 3) Between the Scalenes. Once the brachial plexus impingement is released, we can use stretches, re-patterning exercises, or strength training to help maintain a pain free state. One of our favorite stretches to help support the heart, and to keep the shoulders and arms open was introduced to us by Kat Myers and is called Wall Clock.
The Wall Clock:
• Stand about 1 foot away from the wall with your side-body along the face of the wall.
• Reach the arm closest to the wall up so only the palm is resting on the wall. (actively press the palm into the wall, feel like your shoulder is plugging itself into the shoulder joint) Feel the stretch for approximately 30 seconds.
• Reposition your palm approximately one hand width behind you, as though you’re arm was a hour hand of a clock, and you’re moving onto the next hour’s position (Maintain a relaxed lower back, jaw, and shoulder)
Continue to move the hand/arm backwards along the wall until your arm is as close to parallel to the floor as feels comfortable. (Pausing and feeling the stretch at each new “clock” position for at least 30 sec)
• Once the arm is parallel gently turn the palm up towards the ceiling while pressing the pinkie edge of your hand into the wall. (Allow the breathe to circulate from your heart into your hands)
• Repeat on the other side. If you like, mentally scan your body or notice in the mirror the difference between the right and left side before switching sides.
Feel free to download and copy this exercise to give to your clients and/or to use for yourself. Let us know what you notice and how well this stretch is working for you and your clients.
“Consciously or unconsciously every being is capable of healing himself or others. This instinct is inborn in insects, birds, and beasts, as well as man. All these find their own medicine and heal themselves and each other in various ways.” –Sufi Inayat Khan
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