Monday, February 26, 2007

Share the Love

We recently had the chance to be witness and celebrate the union of two beautiful couples’ marriages. Sure we danced, ate, and had a drink or two . . . and yet the best part was to watch two people come alive when they decided to join together, with the intention of wanting the best for one another.

“Happy couples drink each other in. The healthy union grants its partners liberation from the confines of the self, release from the prison of ego. . .When we become part of something larger than ourselves we can be released from the need to worry constantly about our own needs and failings.” excerpted from -If the Buddha Married

Our relationships can help empower us to be better people because we are loved. Personally I am better off knowing that I am loved and that someone out there has my back, my grieving heart, my monkey laugh.

We are not alone out there floating around in a giant world. Rather we are intricately connected because I matter to someone besides me or my mother. This support helps me take care of and consider others whether or not I am in a massage. It becomes a mellow joy to share all the love I have as often as I can remember to share it.


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