Neti Neti

Thank Goodness for the Neti Pot! Performing the Neti on myself throughout the week has saved my life this spring allergy season . . . no more runny nose, sneezing fits, sinus headaches or mad sniffling. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was trying to keep my nasal passages clear until they were clear. If you are a fan of Oprah, I am certain that you have at least heard of the Neti Pot. If not let me share with you the wonderful practice of nasal irrigation or “jala neti”:
Originally part of a millennia-old Indian yogic tradition, jala net is performed with a small pot that looks like a cross between Aladdin’s lamp and a gravy boat. To use the Neti pot mix about 16 ounces (1 pint) of lukewarm water with 1 teaspoon of mineral salt. Once you've filled the Neti pot tilt your head at about a 45-degree angle, place the spout into your top nostril and gently pour the saline solution into that nostril. The saline solution will flow through your nasal cavity into and out the other nostril. If the fluid runs into your throat no worries, spit it out and you may need to tilt your head further. Blow your nose to get rid of any remaining liquid, (breathe of fire usually works really well) then refill the Neti pot and repeat the process on the other side.
This ancient yogic practice works by clearing the overloaded hairs and mucus membranes in the nasal passage. Everyday exposure to pollution, chemicals, fragrances, pollen and dust can overload the nasal passage causing chronic sinusitis and allergies.
I have to admit at first I avoided using the Neti Pot mostly because it sounded gross and the first time I tried it I thought I was going to drown. However, my allergy symptoms were getting the best of me and I had to do something about how I was feeling, so I picked the Neti Pot up one more time and haven’t put it down since. I did have to practice getting the right head angles and the perfect salt to water ratio until it felt more comfortable. Now, my nose is the nose that knows that the Neti Pot saves your nose! Happy windy Spring !!
I love the neti Pot. It has made a palpable difference in my health!
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