Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How to Stay Cool as a Cucumber in the Summer Heat

One of Chinese Medicine’s “six pernicious influences” cautions us against Summer Heat, which is brought on by overexposure to extreme heat. If you’ve been outside lately, you’re probably all too familiar with extreme heat, leading to thirst, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, weakness, irritability and even heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Here’s a few tips on how to float through an oasis of coolness throughout this summer’s heat.

Try adding any of your favorites to your water bottle: cucumber, lime or lemon. We’ve been particularly enjoying the subtle and refreshing flavor of our cucumber water. Plus, they double as beauty aid tools around the eyes (actually, I don’t know if that’s really true). Nicole thinks they’re especially cooling over the third eye.

In the line of thought that like treats like, consider drinking, or topically applying cactus juice. Use nature’s evolution as your ally: if those aloe plants can withstand the desert, they must be doing something right. A spot of aloe vera juice in a glass of water or juice often takes the edge off heat exhaustion symptoms. Or aloe gel can easily and naturally remedy heat rashes.

Also, take a deep breath…Kundalini Yoga offers us “sitali pranayama”, meaning the cooling breath. With a straight spine and meditative awareness, curl the sides of your tongue upward and allow it to protrude slightly past the lips. Inhale deeply and smoothly through your tongue and mouth. Close your mouth as you exhale through your nose. You’ll usually notice yourself cooling down after about 2-5 minutes, and if you practice in front of a mirror, you can also increase your happiness by making silly faces.

Stay Cool,

Heath and Nicole


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