4th Chakra-Smile Into Your Heart
As we explore up through the chakras, the liberating forces of awareness are emphasized. Each chakra offers opportunities to experience new degrees of freedom and expansion. Activating and opening the lower chakras fuels an upward and outward sensation that is energizing, exciting and personally liberating. Continue to revisit one or two exercises from the lower chakras to assist the opening and activation of the upper chakras. They are interrelated, accessed through each other, and are inseparable. A block in one chakra may affect the processes of the one above it or below it. Practice feeling the effects of opening each chakra physically and meta-physically i.e.; new ideas, different emotions.
Anahata is the Sanskrit name of the 4th Chakra, meaning ‘unstruck’ or the pure energy potential of creation. It helps balance the energies and functions of the lungs, heart, thymus gland, pericardium, arms and hands. This chakra is closely related to the element of air, having to do with the breath and is the gateway between the mind and body.
Centered at the heart, this chakra mediates the lower three and upper three chakras. The heart chakra’s central alignment allows balance between: the mind and body, giving and receiving, and self and other. It is believed the heart is the center of healing, and love is the ultimate healing force. When balanced we radiate love, joy and gratitude. This chakra asks you to create time for a personal ritual in which you “take yourself into your own heart”. Do something to awaken feelings of tranquility and harmony: listen to soft music or meditations, receive a massage, smile into your heart, do yoga.
4th Chakra Movement & Meditations
Chest Opener

Start standing with feet at least hip width apart. Clasp hands behind your back, as you do this allow your arms to rotate and the elbows lock. Doing this will push your chest out and bring your shoulders down and back. Gently fold forward, allow arms to float up behind you, let your head be heavy, and avoid locking out your knees. Hang for 10 breaths. Release arms and roll back up gently.
Sphinx/Cobra Pose

Lay on your belly with your arms bent, your elbows under your shoulders and palms placed face down on the floor. Press evenly into your elbows to lift your chest off the floor. Keep your neck long, shoulders relaxed and your glutes soft. Hold up to 12 breathes.

If you would like to open more deeply into the heart, you can press evenly into the palms to lift the belly off the floor and hold for several breaths.
Deep Breathing
Find a comfortable position to sit and begin to watch your breath. Take deep, full, complete breaths. Breathe in and allow the breath to first fill your belly- then your chest-your shoulders and throat. Exhale and reverse the order: exhale shoulders and throat-then chest-then your belly. Repeat several times. Sit longer than you think, so that you can rest your body and rest your mind.

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