Yoga for the Chakras: Grounding

“What is Rooted is easy to Nourish”- Tao Te Ching
Join us for the next several weeks as we briefly introduce and share a few yoga poses to help activate and balance each chakra. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disk. These ‘wheel centers’ are the point of intersection where the mind and body meet. Each chakra has a specific location related to a specific element and color, corresponding to nerve ganglia, organs, muscles, glands and have their own function. It is the job of each chakra to help us process and understand information and energy from the world around us.
The following yoga exercises work on stimulating and releasing energy from the chakras. By clearing each chakra thru movement, we become aware of the liberating and manifesting currents moving us towards wholeness.
As you do each exercise tune into that area of the body. Ask yourself how each area feels i.e.; tight, tense, relaxed, painful? Notice the quality and quantity of emotion felt in each area: is it what you want it to be? Breathe into the area, acknowledge each area and notice how it changes.
1st Chakra
Muladhara is the Sanskrit name of the 1st Chakra, meaning root support. It is located at the base of the spine, it is related to the earth element and the color is red. The first Chakra connects us to our legs, feet and our large intestine. It is in charge of our adrenals and helps us understand our personal security and stability. This Chakra teaches us how to survive and how to stay grounded. This Chakra asks: Do I feel safe? Do I give myself what I need? Do I have the right to be here?
Knee to Chest
Begin lying on your back with the legs outstretched. Interlace your fingers or arms around one knee and gently hug that knee into your chest. Hold your knee towards your chest for 4-16 long, deep breathes. Repeat for the opposite side. Now hug both legs into your chest and hold for another 4-16 long, deep breathes.
Now stand up and stomp your feet, one at a time, 4-16 times.
Jump up and down off the ground with soft knees 4-16 times: push off the earth, and then sink into the earth to energize your legs and your connection with the ground.
Jog inside or outside
Enjoy and practice feeling the benefits of your efforts. If you have any questions or comments about your experience with the Root Chakra please add your comment. Namaste’