The following is exercise is to energize, harmonize, and/or relax our chakras. As massage therapists, it’s important to receive as much as we give . . . and sometimes it means taking the time to give to ourselves. You can follow the directions as they are to achieve a more sedating, calming effect (we have used this flow to help us fall asleep). Or you can follow the directions in reverse for a more stimulating, energizing effect. Listen to your body and give yourself what you need as it varies from day to day.
The sequence of hand positions is as follows:
- Hold Sahasrara with the right hand and Ajna with the left hand
- Hold Sahasrara with the right hand and Vishuddha with the left
- Hold Sahasrara with the right hand and Anahata with the left
- Hold Sahasrara with the right hand and Manipura with the left
- Hold Sahasrara with the right hand and Svadhisthana with the left
- Hold Svadhisthana with the left hand and Muladhara with the right
Hold each position with your palms, finger tips or finger pads from two-five minutes. Feel as though you are jumper cabling two points at a time. You may notice heat, tingling and/or pulsing happening underneath your hands. Perhaps you’ll see colors or notice changes in your mood. Let us know how it goes. What’s your experience?